Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Can there be 30 hours in one day?

I think that 24 hours a day is not enough. Now think about it, you are recommended at least 8 hours of sleep each night and you also need to eat breakfast. Breakfast today for students seems to be coffee, and if your lucky, a piece of toast. Us students go to classes in the mornings, mid afternoons - and at night. If we aren't in class, we have to go to work. And how many hours a week do we work? Some of us, would be 15-20 at the max, others-- would be a full time job. How the hell do we pull it off?

It's not easy.

Not to mention, some students have little ones to attend to. So even if you are in a rush to go to class, you also have to feed your little one breakfast, change their diaper, take them to school - grandma's or a babysitter. And when you come home, you do it all over again. And when it comes down to the end of the day, they CRY! screaming for your attention. So forget your homework, your little one needs to be attended before that math assignment due in about 3 hours.

On a typical day, students wake up at 7:30am - 8:00. Usually, head to school by 9:45 AM, go to classes, try and scarf down food in our system, get an energy drink or coffee - to wake us up. Usually have 1-2 classes, and then, a couple hours later, we have to go to work. Work lasts about 4-8 hours, depending on your shift, then we are expected to go home, read, eat, crap, whatever and manage at least 6 hours of sleep. (if we're lucky)

Other than school and work, there is also other festivities that go on. Weather it be chores, getting your oil changed, or even as simple as buying vegetable oil to make tonight's dinner. Although these things maybe little, they take our time.

TIME is precious, and because we can live as fast paced as we do, we don't have a lot of time. Either that or we take for granted our time. Like time with our family, our relatives, our cousins, our boyfriends - or girlfriends or even our homies that we want to hang out with. Don't you feel sometimes like you need to see your friends for sane reasons? Don't you need time to be with those you love? And because we don't have a lot of time, it's a little difficult to fit these people in your schedule when you have other things going on in your life.

Yes there is is 7 daze a week, and two of them are considered weekends, but when do we really stop? Some of us work, some of us have a birthday party to attend to, plan, or a wedding, or a certain event that happens. Some of us might even have class. Do we really rest? Not all the time. We also have to read, catch up on homework, also attend to emails, messages from our friends, chores, etc, etc. It doesn't stop -- and by the time you are done with your stuff, it's like 11PM and you have to get sleep.

Wake up do it all over again.
and again,
and again.

24 hours? I think if we had at least 4-5 hours more, we could catch up on sleep, chores, homework and time.

1 comment:

My Datalife said...

i would say lets have 12 more hours in our 24 hour days..... helps extend life for us with more to do and experiences to receive.