Saturday, October 4, 2008

Attention women: would you ever become a sex slave for college?

From madams, to sex slaves, to "massagers" -- prostitution has become a way of living amongst women who are students, in debt and broke. Women are desperate for cash and are willing to sell their souls to pay their way to school. But what they don't know, is the outcome of their innocence being thrown away, the health risks and the philosophy of selling their dignity. Easier said than done, those women who decide to be put as a sex slave will find out that sooner or later, maybe the biggest mistake that they have made for the rest of their lives.

Sex does certainly sell, sex sells in movies, Craig's list, ads in the paper, commercials, clubs, magazine articles and magazine ads, mall pictures, and now even at the "massage parlors." It's literally breathing in the alley way, regiments in the taxi cab , and in the next room where your room mate is getting their freak on. SEX is a human need. We need it to feel better, to produce babies, for our own guilty pleasure.

It used to be such a shocking thing for america, but now sex trafficking can be found anywhere -- from New York, New York, to san francisco - to even countries such as the Philippines - India, Europe and Asian Countries like Korea, China, Japan and so forth. It's kind of like the new trend for women -- and the norm that these women will sell their soul to give money back to their family to survive.

With such a liberal and sinful world , i swear to god we pass this by. We view this as a shocking ordeal, find it to be sad but really, i dont think we do anything remotely close to stopping it. sure, this kind of job can be treated as a DUI, get caught by the police, get in handcuffs, go into a jail for a night or two and then end up owing the government half of your earnings.

is this really worth it?

I dont think women are aware of these consequences, and women that are greedy and want to get that money - more power to the women who want that cheese -- but HELLLOOO --- as bluntly spoken, you'd rather give away free nookie to the dirty man who has a wife and kids because you need a meal? These women have no idea what it is to REALLY WORK if they will continue to run into this type of agencies. I mean, I'm sure the money is great -- reading articles and going thru many sites, women are addicted to the money. they crave it, and if they don't make their ends meet - they go crazy. Now, is it just me or do you think these bitches need to go see a counselor?


I'm not saying I'm the cleanest, hail mary virgin. I'm human. But real talk,

i will work my ass off rather than sell my soul to the devil. It's just not worth it.

to all the ladies selling their soul,

think hard about what your doing.

i'm just a woman,

what more if god was standing here?


1 comment:

min said...

wow this is a tough topic. it's a sensitive one. people who actually enter this world of sex trafficking are not some dirty, cheap women looking for some money. they're real women like you and me. most times, they don't have any other options. it's really tragic. and i think as with any other issue, we need to look at what's causing these women to resort to prostitution and solve the root of the problem.

haha that's my shpeeal xP
it's min shon by the way. for some reason, my follower thing won't let me add you on my listtt =(